‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات guest blog. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات guest blog. إظهار كافة الرسائل

Turkey Spinach Quinoa Meatballs

Hello!  The following post was written by a loyal reader and blogger herself, Christen.  This recipe sounds ridiculous and I will be making it ASAP.  Especially because I've been searching for ways to sneak ANYTHING GREEN into my children's diets.  This might be the answer...  

Hey there, Siriously Delicious readers!  I'm Christen.  I'm a mom, wife and general crazy person living in upstate New York.  I work full time in higher education, but in my free time (ha) I love to cook and bake.  That's why I started my blog, Christen in the Kitchen.  I'm obsessed with checking out what other people are cooking on their blogs, and that's how I found Siri's.  I've been a big fan of hers for awhile, and I also love to bake any kind of cookies and bring myself to the brink of insanity trying to make my children's birthday cakes (so we have that in common). 

I, like a lot of moms, am always trying to answer the eternal question, "What's for dinner?"  The pre-parenting days of eating cheese and drinking wine for dinner are long gone, and it can be hard putting a balanced meal together in about 20 minutes a night.  

That's where these Turkey Spinach Quinoa Meatballs come in.  I literally made a quadruple batch of these and froze them into family-sized portions for later use.  The best part is, my ridiculously picky eater of a 3-year-old will actually eat them since they're in ball form and she can dip them in ketchup!  I typically serve these with a side of French fries, but you can also do a big pile of veggies or serve them on top of a salad.

Click here for the recipe!  Also, if you like this recipe, check out my blog Christen in the Kitchen, or like my Facebook page where I post updates.   

*Thank you, Christen!  

Buffalo Chicken Chop Salad

The following guest post was written by my BFF (can I still say that at 33?) Katy.
Minnesota beauty, mother of two girls I miss every day, best photographer ever... can't get through the day without texting her one billion times.  
Check out her photography and blog, you will not regret it.

Hello Siriously Delicious People!  

A friend was coming for lunch the other day and my hostess skills are so very rusty that I was a bit panicked about what I would whip up at the most loco time of day: kids at my feet, house a mess, laundry piling, to do list creeping in the creepiest way.  Basically a circus.  Welcome to the circus, guest of mine.  Thank goodness old trusty came in to save the day.  It always saves the day.


This is a recipe I've shared and over shared and I'll keep doing it because our love never falters.  It's healthy and sinfully scrumptious, too.  Ladies and Gentlemen, let me reintroduce you to:

Buffalo Chicken Chop Salad

Chicken, chopped or shredded
Buffalo sauce (I prefer Frank's Red Hot but any will do)
Red onion
Bleu cheese or Gorgonzola
Other toppings: beets, peppers, jalapeños, herbs, apple, beans, avocado, etc.
Dressing: dollop of greek yogurt, splash or two of red wine vinegar
Salt and pepper
Top with crumbled chips or nuts for crunch

And how to swing a lunch date with two minis at your feet:

1. Prep chicken with dinner the night before (marinate in Buffalo sauce).
2. Day of, wait until baby is asleep.
3. Occupy three year old with sprinkles, peanut butter, graham crackers.
4. Chop veggies.
5. Arrange in a shallow (preferable for presentation) bowl.
6. Serve and enjoy!

*All photos taken on iPhone.  Go here for some great tips on upping your food pic game!

Watermelon Three Ways!

Another guest post!  With no baby news, gah :(
The following is written by my friend, Beth: mother of 2 adorable boys, hardest-working Producer at Dr. Phil, spectacular cook and a very special friend to me.  Thank you B... and I hope you all enjoy!

When I think summer, I think watermelon!  (And cocktails, sun, sand, more cocktails...)  
But back to the watermelon.  For my son's last day of preschool in June, I was the assigned "snack mom" and wanted to help get everyone in the summer spirit.  So, rather than buying some Pirates Booty and calling it a day (why can I never make things easy on myself?!?) I bought a 14 pound child, I mean watermelon.

Way #1:
First, I cut the watermelon in big, circular slices, then I cut the slices into preschool size wedges, like a pizza.  I know, this is a hard one!

Way #2:
Next, because I can't resist giving kids sugar in school, I made a watermelon Rice Krispie Treats.  I'm not proud of the fact that I have the recipe memorized, but I do.  So here we go, it's a double recipe you make twice, you'll see... 

Watermelon Rice Krispie Treats
(This recipe is for 2 round cake pans and some leftovers, feeds appox. 20 kids, could be halved!)

2 bags marshmallows (big or mini)
6 T butter
12 cups Rice Krispies
1 pack of green lime Kool-aid
1 pack of red strawberry/cherry Kool-aid
Mini chocolate chips

In a large pan, melt 1 bag of marshmallows with 3 T of butter over medium-low heat.  Once melted, stir in a pack of green lime Kool-aid.  Pour in 6 cups of Rice Krispies and stir.  Take the mixture and make a green rind around the inside of 2 cake pans.  I always put 2 plastic baggies on my hand and spray with butter/oil so I can easily form the treats.  Repeat all steps with 2nd bag of marshmallows, butter and Rice Krispies, but this time add the red Kool-aid.  Fill in the middle of the green rinds with the red mixture.  After they've cooled, add some chocolate chips on top for seeds (I cut my chips in half).  Then cut into wedges!       

Way #3:
When you realize that you have no clue what else to do with the remaining 10 pounds of your watermelon baby, and if you're like me you have zero room in your fridge, do this!!  This "way" is by FAR my new ultimate summer treat, courtesy of an old Bon Appetit magazine I found...

Watermelon Granita
(Makes 6 small servings)

4 cups chopped watermelon, even if it's slightly under or over ripe
Juice from half a lime
1/2 cup sugar

Blend/puree all ingredients in a Vitamix or blender.  Pour in a square brownie/cake pan and put in freezer.  Set alarm and after 1 hour, take a fork and mash up any chunks.  Set alarm again for 2 hours, repeat fork mashing.  The next morning = perfection!

Jessica's Creamed Corn

The following guest post does NOT mean I've had my baby yet (grrrrr).  But I did ask some friends and family if they wanted to contribute guest posts as I wind down over here, and the following is from my sister-in-law, Jessica.  She writes a fabulous blog called One Hungry Yogi with the most entertaining posts about life, health and food.  AND... she's pregnant!  This will be the first niece or nephew for me from my side of the family, and there's just something so exciting about that :)

Her guest post is below, and I hope you enjoy...  

I was lucky enough to ring in the completion of my first trimester at the beach with my family.  One of my sisters came for a couple of days and so did my dad, but the majority of my vacation was spent in an old beach house with the two women who raised me: Mom and Ruby.

Ruby took care of me and my sisters from birth to the day we left home, and she is family.  There was something about spending peaceful, quiet, quality time with these two women while pregnant with my first child that felt so perfect, so balanced, and so special.

My mom taught me to love the ocean; Ruby taught me to roller skate.  My mom and I crooned to Van Morrison; Ruby and I grooved to Luther Vandros.  My mom taught me the importance of healthy eating; Ruby taught me the secrets of her famous fried chicken and delicious creamed corn.

Ruby spent decades taking care of my family, and as she grows older, it's now our turn to take care of her.  I wouldn't dare fry chicken for her at the beach... too much pressure, but I did make her my version of creamed corn, and she had two servings... I'm just saying.  As Ruby would say, this creamed corn is so good "it'll make you slap ya' grandma."

Jessica's Super Easy (and a little lighter) Version of Ruby's Creamed Corn 

3 large ears of fresh corn, cut off the cob
1 Tbsp. butter
1/2 cup milk
1 Tbsp. corn starch
Salt and pepper

Whisk the corn starch into milk until fully dissolved and smooth.  Melt butter in a large saucepan, add corn and sauté on medium-high heat for about five minutes.  Season with salt and pepper.  Put the heat on low and stir in the corn starch/milk slurry.  Keep stirring the corn on low until it becomes thick and creamy.  The finished product should be creamy and the corn still a little crunchy.

*Thank you Jess!  I hope I get the chance to meet Ruby someday (because I really want to hear that "slap ya grandma" phrase in person).