‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات holidays. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات holidays. إظهار كافة الرسائل

Black Eyed Peas

Happy New Year!  Can you believe we're here?  The decorations are packed away and the homework has emerged.  Oh and also, it took me 15 minutes to write those three sentences because my children are all "mama, mama, mama, mama" and I no longer have 8 house guests here to help answer them.  It's been difficult for me, getting back into the swing of things.  Anyone else feel like they're moving through mud?  Anyone else want to come over and cook a healthy dinner for my family tonight?

Great.  Thanks.

Well, this is a throwback now, but on New Year's Day my mom made the most delicious Black Eyed Peas.  This is not a tradition we usually partake in, but she wanted to try them out (and who am I to turn away possible luck and prosperity in 2016).  She referenced this article while making them, and they were delicious!  Like, I had 4 helpings delicious.  I think we will be making these all year round.  

Ultimate Seven Layer Bars

These are bananas.  Hands down, the best Seven Layer Bars I've ever made.  I followed this recipe which includes all the normal ingredients from the familiar bars - chocolate, butterscotch, coconut, pecans, ooey, gooey sweetened condensed milk, etc - with one amazing variation.  Instead of a basic graham cracker crust, it's a graham cracker butterscotch cookie crust!  DID YOU HEAR ME?!  It's amazing.  This is the only picture I took before we ate the rest.  So much for gifting them to people!    

White Chocolate Peppermint Candy Fudge

I love making fudge, especially during the holidays, but using a candy thermometer can be intimidating (remember this fudge fail?).  That's why I was excited to find a method that only uses your microwave!  I whipped this White Chocolate Fudge together in a matter of minutes and it's rich, creamy, and deliciously festive.  I followed this recipe but swapped the chocolate candy for peppermint M&M's, peppermint Kisses and chopped up candy canes.  Another great gift idea!  

*Note: to chop candy canes I place them, unwrapped, in a bag and use a hammer or meat tenderizer to smash them into pieces.  It's fun... a good stress reliever this time of year.

More fudge...

Cookie Butter Truffles

These Cookie Butter Truffles are absurd.  Absurd!!  I mean, first of all, Cookie Butter.  That's all, just... Cookie Butter.  Nothing else needs to be said.  Who invented this magical jar of goodness, because that person deserves a country named after them.  Or we could just call the country Cookie Butter, and I want to move to there.  Sorry this post is really getting away from me.  Probably because I've been staying up until midnight all week wrapping presents and then my baby wakes up at 5:45 which would be ILLEGAL ACTIVITY IN THE COUNTRY OF COOKIE BUTTER.  

Make these.  They are simple, require few ingredients, yield a crap load, will last forever in your fridge or freezer and make great gifts.  Recipe here and more truffle ideas below.

More truffles...

Brown Butter Peanut Butter Blossoms

Good Morning!  What did you do this weekend?  I was flying solo so I gave my kids 11 baths (to kill time... they've never been so clean) and we made Christmas cookies!  I can't wait to share them with you this week.  What are your favorites to make?  I love to stick to my usuals as well as try out new recipes.  Believe it or not, I don't make these classic Peanut Butter Blossoms every year but I knew my kids would love to unwrap (and eat) the kisses (also killed a lot of time).  I followed this recipe with one variation: I browned the butter on the stove and let it cool in the fridge for a bit before mixing it in with everything.  If you're wondering why I did that, well, I happen to think browning butter makes everything better.  Especially when there's peanut butter involved!

So tell me... what else should I make this year?    

Spiced Squash Pancakes

Does anyone else feel like they need to clone themselves right about now?  I need at least two more of me to get stuff done in these next two weeks.  Three would probably be best.  One to watch the kids, one to get the gift shopping done and one to bake all of the things I want to bake.  As for the real me?  I would just sleep for two entire weeks and wake up Christmas morning feeling all magical and refreshed.  I'm going to write this screenplay.  It's going to be called "Psycho Holiday Mom" and it's going to win an Oscar.  And this person will play me (for reals, click on that link and watch that video if you haven't already seen it... "we can't let people know WE SIT!").

Alas, there is just one of me and I'm trying my best to pop the stress when it starts to bubble, to keep things in perspective, to maintain the magic of the holidays (wine helps).  Lately, I've been looking up festive recipes online and while these aren't latkes, they are a fun variation of the crispy, veggie pancake.  I found this recipe and it's spaghetti squash mixed with all sorts of yummy spices, formed into a fritter of sorts.  Topped with greek yogurt and chives... I ate four for dinner.  

So tell me... how are you handling all of this hustle and bustle?  TIPS?!  

Salted Chocolate Pecan Pie Bars

Oh hi!  Remember me?  My name is Siri and I'm the gal who (occasionally) chronicles my journey with food on this here blog.  I've been absent, but I can explain (or I can spew excuse after excuse at you... like we were in LA for 12 days, or I lost my camera battery charger, or I'm trying to prepare for the 8 houseguests staying with us for 2 weeks, or I'm feeling overwhelmed with gift shopping, or I've been abducted by aliens... I sorta wish).  What it really boils down to is that when we travel, I lose my desire to cook and I come home feeling like I'm in a rut.  But this weekend, I spent an hour online looking at my favorite blogs and they lit a fire under my tushy!  (I'm a mom, I say things like that and potty.)  This week and next week be prepared for seasonal treats and dishes as well as gift ideas!  Yay!  And by the way, even when I'm absent on here, I'm pretty active on my blog instagram and my new mommy instagram accounts.  

So let's talk about these bars.  I'm not really a pie person, but ever since I ate Pecan Pie this Thanksgiving from this glorious bakery in California I've been craving it.  So when I saw this recipe I put it on my to-do list right away.  Holy crap, these are insane.  SUPER rich but beyond delicious.  If you like buttery shortbread and rich, salted chocolate and caramely pecan pie... you will love this.  I topped mine with Vanilla Salt which I'll write about later on today.

They also refrigerate and/or freeze very well, and a little goes a long way, so these would be perfect edible holiday gifts this season.  The best kind of gift if you ask me.    

Caramel Pumpkin Bread Pudding

Yesterday I whipped up this Today Original Recipe with Willie and Natalie... Caramel Pumpkin Bread Pudding.  I made it over the weekend, too, and it's truly ridiculous.  Perfect Thanksgiving dessert turned into Black Friday Breakfast.  I mean, if you're going to participate in that madness, it's probably best you carb-load that morning, am I right?

If you missed the segment or want the recipe you can check it out here.  

Thanksgiving Sides on TODAY

Did you know Thanksgiving is 3 weeks from tomorrow?  NOBODY PANIC.  I say that as I panic, of course.  However, if you tune into the Today Show everyday this month, you'll become inspired with a new Turkey Day idea.  Today Carson and I made two side dishes: his mom's "Drunken Mashed Potatoes" and my version of the Midwest classic, Green Bean Casserole.

If you missed the segment or want to view the recipes, click here.

Photos by the lovely Samantha Okazaki.

Homemade Take 5 Bars

Are you ready for the best weekend ever?  A glutenous, guilt-free, indulgent weekend full of candy and costumes and sports??  At least that's the type of weekend I'm about to have.  I have my red cape and red lipstick all ready to go because I'm sorry, but I couldn't find a single non-slutty Little Red Riding Hood dress, so that's what I'm going with.  My Grandmother/Wolf, Hawkeye, Ariel and Elmo are very excited to trick-or-treat.  And last night I made these Homemade Take Five bars following this recipe, hence the beginning of the best weekend ever... because when you put peanut butter on pretzels and then caramel on top of that and then dip the whole thing in chocolate YOU WIN!

For more Homemade Halloween treats - like Butterfingers, Snickers, Almond Joys, Peanut Butter Cups and Peppermint Patties - click here.  For Baby Ruth Bars, click here.  Happy Halloween!

Beef Stew in a Pumpkin

I was at a friend's house for dinner last weekend, and she made a beef stew that she prepared IN A PUMPKIN!!  Yeah, my friend's name is Ina Martha Garten Stewart, by the way.  (Just kidding, her real name is Mo.  Ina Martha Garten Stewart is my imaginary friend.)  Anyways, I didn't get the exact recipe from her but if you're interested, I found a few recipes you could try here, here and here.  What a perfect dish to prepare for friends and family on Halloween night!  Do it!!

International Delight on TODAY

I recently had the opportunity to work with International Delight - the coffee creamer that comes in delicious, everyday as well as innovative flavors - and this morning I had the chance to share some brunch ideas using these creamers on the Today Show with Kathie Lee and Hoda!  If you missed the segment or want to view the recipes, click here.  By the way, it's totally acceptable to make Pumpkin Stuffed French Toast for dinner in the month of October.  Also, make sure to check out International Delight's website for more information on their delicious creamers and more easy, everyday recipes.  Aaaaaaand, if you're in the mood for more PUMPKIN (you know you are), I pulled up a few other treats I've tried in the past... have a happy fall weekend! 

Patriotic Treats

Remember how fireworks were both exciting and completely terrifying as a kid?  I was always convinced the droopy ones would fall from the sky and land on me.  We saw some from our neighborhood last night, and Etta went to bed biting her nails, poor thing, but I hope she fell asleep having awesome, magical dreams about them.  Here are some treat ideas for your happy weekends!

Bacon American Flag Pizza

I'm not the best at following directions.  If I feel like I can do something on my own, I will try before really thinking it through, or looking at an instruction manual.  Why must there be so many words?  So many steps?  So many, before you begin's?  I don't want to before I begin!  I wanna begin!  

I'm a child.  This impatience can get me in trouble in the kitchen.  I see a photo on pinterest and think, I can do that!  I'm going to do that!  And then I attempt without really thinking it through.  This Bacon American Flag Pizza is case in point.  I saw this photo, started jumping up and down (no really), and grabbing things in my fridge.  I happened to have pizza dough in the freezer, fresh mozzarella cheese, purple potatoes (surprising), bacon (less surprising) and pizza sauce.  Who needs directions!?

Well, had I looked at the ACTUAL recipe (found here), I would have realized I needed to bake the bacon first to get it crispy.  And I would have realized that using alfredo sauce instead of a tomato-based sauce would have kept the cheese whiter.  And if/when I make this again, I will use shredded mozzarella cheese.  Oh well, you can still tell that it's a flag, right?  It tasted good! 

Now I want to make a patriotic dessert.  Any ideas? 

Homemade Treats for Dad

I always find Father's Day hard to shop for.  Most of the cool, techy toys I know Carson would LOVE are like, stupid expensive (I'm talking to you, drones).  I've found homemade gifts are the most meaningful, whether that's a customized beer bottle label from this site, or a baked treat from MY site!  Here are some ideas!  Exclamation points!  (Or is it marks?)

Easter fun with Rachael

I had a blast on the Rachael Ray Show today!  Sure, we made out with eggs and broke a few (okay, Rach broke a few), but it was so much fun to try out three crafty, Easter-inspired treats and crafts that we found online.  Check out the segment here.  And, if you ever come across something on the World Wide Web that makes you say, "SIRI-ously, can I really make that?" please send it my way!  

(Because I am Siri.) 

St. Patrick's Day Ideas

How were your weekends?  I spent mine eating green bagels and Red Velvet High School Musical Birthday Cake, but more on that later this week.  For now, here are some ideas for your Irish celebration tomorrow night, if you're having one.  It will be magically delicious!  

*And don't forget to watch The Rachael Ray Show today :)      

Valentine's Day Treats

How are you celebrating Valentine's Day this weekend?  Are you going to eat chocolate?  Are you going to make heart-shaped pancakes?  Are you going to drag your sweetie to see Mr. Grey on the big screen?  However you celebrate, you should probably make some of the treats below, because that's what Anastasia Steele would do (I have no idea, I only read half of book one...) 

Holiday Baking Ideas

What are your plans this weekend?  Frantic holiday shopping?  Cocktail parties?  Baking up a storm? Well I can help you there, with a collection of ideas from my blog.  As far as the shopping... deep breaths, and as far as the cocktail party... a karaoke version of "Santa Baby" only seems like a good idea.  So, from top left moving clockwise... Merry Weekends!

Snowball Cookies

These cookies are a holiday staple, but I had NEVER made them until yesterday.  Snowballs, Mexican Wedding Cakes, Russian Tea Cookies... whatever you call them, it was a travesty that I hadn't baked them before (and the word "travesty" still reminds me of the movie Clueless).  Thankfully, that is all in the past, and now I sit here on my computer while I eat one for breakfast (totally counts as research).  Made up of just five simple ingredients, these cookies are buttery, nutty, sugary balls of goodness.  With butter acting as the star (use the good stuff, like this European kind), I decided to go with a Paula Deen recipe because while she's messed up in her life, the lady knows her booooooter.  I didn't shape the cookies in crescents, however, and went with balls.  Snowballs!  

What do you call them and what's your favorite recipe?     
