‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات web. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات web. إظهار كافة الرسائل

Friday Links

A few random links for you to enjoy on this Friday.  Check out the first one... starting a new Instagram account and I want YOU to be a part of it!

Share your REAL LIFE moments on Real Moms Wear Grey.
I will not sleep until you sign up for the TODAY Food Club.
We've had some serious dance parties to Daniel Kim's Pop Danthology 2015.
And while we're on absurd dips... S'Mores Dip.  OMG.
Holiday candles like this one are my weakness.
Thanksgiving in a slow cooker?
And finally, more grey... these pajamas!

SD on Instagram

Hello!  It's me, mom of three, goo goo gee.  And as you can see, sleep deprivation has gotten the best of me because I just wrote "goo goo gee" and that's not normal.  Remind me when they decide to sleep for more than three hours at a time??  When they're teenagers?  Good, good, okay.

I don't have anything new and exciting for you, so I decided to share some Instagram photos with you.  If you don't already follow me, well, do it.  The above photo is from this past Sunday.  The Jets played the Raiders (Carson's team), and we had a tailgate party.  My mom was here, and she made a whole bunch of deviled eggs: original, and a tarragon kind.  Yum.  Below, Carson made "street tacos" - marinated steak, salsa verde, shredded Mexican cheese, chopped white onions and cilantro.  Yum! 

This is a dinner I've been making a lot lately for the kiddos.  We call it Mexican Pizza: flour tortilla, refried beans, ground turkey flavored with taco seasoning, shredded Mexican cheese (baked for about 10 minutes at 400 degrees) and usually topped with corn and avocado...

And finally, last night I made Weelicious' Chocolate Chip Granola Bars for school snacks.  I'm obsessed with this recipe.  Also I drank red wine and almost fell asleep standing up!  

Thanks for stopping by... stay tuned for a couple of awesome giveaways next week!

Milly & Grace: Pink Cake Stand Giveaway!

Hello Gorgeous.

Before we begin, I have been missing.  Travel, sickness, broken computer, mom-of-two, do I need more commas?  You get it.  Even if you don't get it just say, Siri, I get it.  Say it to your iPhone, and she'll be like, whaa?  (That idiot gets nothing.)  But anyway, I woke up early to bake a little cake.  And once I bake my little cake, I'm going to display it on my new little cake stand:

Is there anything more gorgeous than that?!  Yes.  And I'll tell you what it, this entire website.  A dear friend of mine from college, Tim, recently moved to Nantucket and found himself working at Milly & Grace: a lovely inspired clothing and home decor boutique on the island.  The owner, Emily, named the shop after her two grandmothers, Milly and Grace.  As someone who named her daughter after her own grandmother, I find that very sweet.  If you peruse the online store ("peruse" makes you sound smart), you will find all sorts of items you suddenly "NEED" like I just did.  I mean, this woven plate with glass dome??  I need that.  This is the perfect online shop for unique holiday gifts, my friends.  Check out their Christmas Shop and Gift sections, and you will understand why.

Are you ready for the best news?  Emily is giving away a 10-inch pink cake stand to one of YOU!  All you need to do to win is 'like' Milly & Grace on Facebook and comment below, letting me know what else you love on their site.  I will pick a winner on Monday, 11/18 at 8am PST.  (Only residents of US and Canada eligible to win.)  Good luck and thanks, Milly & Grace!    


Ta da!  A new site!  With the same old dork behind it who says things like, "ta da!" 
It's a work in progress, so bear with me, but I am LOVING the change.  It feels crisp, it feels clean, it feels like me.  (Not that I'm crisp OR clean, in fact, when did I shower last?)  I have to thank Ana at BlogMilk for the template and Alice for designing my wonderful logo.  They were both A JOY to work with and put up with my paranoia along the way (changes freak me out).  I HIGHLY recommend them both if you're doing any web redesign.  

So, what do you think?  Do you like?  Any suggestions as I keep toying with it? 
