‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات TODAY. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات TODAY. إظهار كافة الرسائل

Caramel Pumpkin Bread Pudding

Yesterday I whipped up this Today Original Recipe with Willie and Natalie... Caramel Pumpkin Bread Pudding.  I made it over the weekend, too, and it's truly ridiculous.  Perfect Thanksgiving dessert turned into Black Friday Breakfast.  I mean, if you're going to participate in that madness, it's probably best you carb-load that morning, am I right?

If you missed the segment or want the recipe you can check it out here.  

TODAY Food Club Launch

Yesterday I was honored to help launch the TODAY Food Club.  If you're still unfamiliar with it, it's an online community where people can share recipes and connect with on-air talent, chefs and Today Show staff.  It includes monthly challenges, weekly tips and meal-plan ideas (lord knows I need that), and the chance to win prizes and be featured on air!  Instead of just an online place to find recipes, it will be a place to have a conversation and receive feedback.  Food is my favorite thing to talk about (duh), so I couldn't be more excited about this!

Yesterday, I made the infamous Spaghetti Pie (which was Today.com's number one recipe for 2015), and Today Food Stylist, the lovely Alli Simpson, made her family's Ultimate Banana Bread (truly the best I've ever had).  It was a treat to be there for such a special event.  Go join the club, share your recipes, get your friends to vote for you, and maybe I'll see you on the Today Show someday soon :)

Alli and I (top) and some of the fabulous Today Food team (below)...

All photos by Samantha Okazaki

Thanksgiving Sides on TODAY

Did you know Thanksgiving is 3 weeks from tomorrow?  NOBODY PANIC.  I say that as I panic, of course.  However, if you tune into the Today Show everyday this month, you'll become inspired with a new Turkey Day idea.  Today Carson and I made two side dishes: his mom's "Drunken Mashed Potatoes" and my version of the Midwest classic, Green Bean Casserole.

If you missed the segment or want to view the recipes, click here.

Photos by the lovely Samantha Okazaki.

International Delight on TODAY

I recently had the opportunity to work with International Delight - the coffee creamer that comes in delicious, everyday as well as innovative flavors - and this morning I had the chance to share some brunch ideas using these creamers on the Today Show with Kathie Lee and Hoda!  If you missed the segment or want to view the recipes, click here.  By the way, it's totally acceptable to make Pumpkin Stuffed French Toast for dinner in the month of October.  Also, make sure to check out International Delight's website for more information on their delicious creamers and more easy, everyday recipes.  Aaaaaaand, if you're in the mood for more PUMPKIN (you know you are), I pulled up a few other treats I've tried in the past... have a happy fall weekend! 

Cookie Stacking and Other Things...

Hello Internet People.  I'm sorry I've been a little absent, but this has been a busy and emotional week.  Therefore, I present to you this scatterbrained post of odds and ends...

Many of you have been curious about the infamous "cookie stacking" Instagram post (infamous, really Siri?).  The origin of this layered dough can be found in this recipe for Peanut Butter Honey Cookies.  I was instantly intrigued to see if by stacking two blobs of dough on top of each other, the result would be a cookie that spread less, as suggested.  Well, perhaps I did something wrong, but my cookies just ended up looking like butts, so... delicious recipe, however.  Honey?  Peanut Butter?  Yes.

Last Thursday I was all set to appear on the Today Show, and you may have caught a glimpse of me even, however, breaking news about the Pope's whereabouts interrupted my segment.  Of course, I didn't mind in the slightest, and it was actually very exciting to witness... yet another reminder of how surreal it is to be a small part of a news institution like Today.  If you're interested in the recipes I was planning on preparing, you may click here: Buffalo Chicken Dip and Ultimate Queso Dip

Last night, I was very honored to be a part of the launch of Keurig Kold, a revolutionary new drinkmaker that brews perfectly chilled beverages like Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite and so, SO much more.  It is available for purchase today on their website... check it out!

And finally, I wanted to repost this recipe in honor of a great woman, Lucy.  If you've been following my blog for awhile then you probably know this sandwich, but to have known the woman behind it was something else.  The heavens above gained a beautiful soul.  Team Lucy forever!

Cheeseburger Stuffed Shells

You read that right, Cheeseburger Stuffed Shells.  If classic Italian stuffed shells and good ol' American cheeseburgers made sweet love and had a baby, it would be this dish.  A perfect, family friendly, crowd pleaser.  Make it ahead, pop it in the oven, freeze the leftovers.  I apologize for not writing in full sentences but I'm so tired.  The second week of school is WAY more intense than the first.  But, my delirious state of mind aside, it was so much fun cooking with Hoda and Carson this morning on Today!  If you missed the segment, you can check it out here.  Enjoy the weekend!

(Photo credit: the lovely Director of Culinary Production at the Today Show, Bianca Borges)

Grilled Veggie Pasta on TODAY

Friendly friends!  I am back from vacation.  I am officially home, being an official, productive mom.  I am putting my kids to bed before 8pm (after lots and LOTS of nighttime reading), we are eating only the healthiest of foods, and I've stopped drinking wine!  Except for all of this is a lie.

Ok not all of it.  I AM home.  Vacation IS over.  I am ATTEMPTING to be productive.

I even cooked up a Today Original pasta dish this morning, and if you missed it you can check out the segment and view the recipe here.  Baby steps to waking up early.

But GUESS WHAT?!  I am going to post a recipe every, single, day this week.  So take THAT you lazy, indulgent, carefree, delicious summer.  Take that.  

Mini Pies on TODAY

I've been trying to write this post for a day and a half.  A day and a half!  Trying to balance life is a daily struggle of mine, and I'm sure you can all relate.  I have so much I want to cook, so much I want to share with you, and yet I'm trying to actually put my swimsuit on this summer and go UNDERWATER with my kids.  As in, who cares about how cold the water feels or what my hair looks like or having to shower after (or not).  I'm trying to play with my kids!!  And so my to-do list grows and grows and grows... WHY IS BALANCE SO HARD.

Back to trying to share with you, my virtual friends.  Yesterday I had so much fun baking mini blueberry pies with my friend Savannah on Today.  It was a Today Original recipe, and they were simple and delicious.  Yes, yes, I may have made a few mistake during the segment, but I think you know that I embrace errors in the kitchen and I certainly try not to take cooking too SIRIously.   

You can check out the segment and view the Today Original recipe here.

All photos by Samantha Okazaki

TODAY Show: Eggplant 3 ways

Well, "veggie week" at the Today Show has come and gone, and I may have converted Carson (and Savannah) a teeny, tiny bit with my greek yogurt eggplant dip (however it's true, eggplant is technically a fruit... whatevs).  If you missed yesterday's segment, or want the recipes (plus a delicious bonus stuffed eggplant recipe), check everything out here!

AND, I'll be back on TODAY on Monday, baking up something summery and sweet.
Have great weekends!

(photo by Samantha Okazaki)

TODAY tonight: Cauliflower Steak

If you're unfamiliar with my "TODAY tonight" series, it's when Carson won't stop talking about something he ate at work, so I make it at home to shut him up.  However, this time around, I didn't even have to wait to hear him rave.  I was watching Aarti Sequeira on the show and I instantly wanted everything she cooked.  She made cauliflower three ways, and I could practically taste the vibrant, Indian flavors through my TV screen.  

It was the "cauliflower steak" with a lime yogurt sauce that made me run to the store for the vegetable.  I cook cauliflower a lot, but something as simple as cutting it differently and marinating it with different spices completely transformed it for me.  I am obsessed.  Even my son loved it!  I will make this again, and again, and again.  Recipe here.

And speaking of Today Food and vegetables, I will be there tomorrow trying to get Carson to eat a particular one he doesn't like... wish me luck!

We served it with a version of this salad because we just can't get enough.

Pasta with Arugula Pesto on TODAY

In case you missed my Today Show segment yesterday or need the Bow-Tie Pasta with Arugula Pesto recipe, click here for both!  And I'll be back next Thursday... trying to get Carson to eat his veggies.  It should be entertaining :)  Have a great weekend!  

Photos by Samantha Okazaki.

Today Food Contributor!

Yesterday was a humbling, overwhelming and surreal day.  It was announced that I will be joining the Today Show family as a Today Food Contributor!  Every time I'm there, I feel like making a bedazzled poster and joining the energetic plaza crowd... and then someone comes to put a microphone on me and I'm like, oh, you want me to be on TV?  Are you sure?????  Pinch me.

What I'm even more excited about (if that's possible) is the launch of the new TODAY Food (check out this video if you haven't already).  It's a redesigned website with easy-to-follow recipes, tips, meal plans and videos... it's real, healthy, affordable and SIMPLE meals... it's finding your comfort-zone in the kitchen... it's Today.com/food.  HA!  I'm a commercial!  But seriously - no SIRIiously - my goal all along with this blog has been to make cooking FUN.  If a recipe freaks you out, change it, if you can't find a weird ingredient, skip it.  Cooking does not have to be intimidating!  

To answer one big question I got yesterday... NO, this new gig does not mean I will give up blogging.  In fact, I'll probably blog more!  I seem to be more productive when I'm busier, is that weird?  This blog is my happy place, and you virtual people are my virtual family.         

So in case you didn't see my segments yesterday, you can view them (and find the recipes) here:

Thanks for all the well wishes, you guys are THE BEST!

Taco Tuesday on Today

I have many irrational fears.  Like of spiders crawling into my mouth while I sleep or clowns popping out of the sewers as I walk by.  And don't even get me started about driving over bridges.  (By the way, I love that you can google ANYTHING and Buzzfeed has already turned it into a list.)  Some of my fears involve trains.  Like realizing you're on the wrong one or falling asleep, missing your stop and waking up in Alaska.  This morning, I witnessed the terror in a poor girl's face as the train ticket person (I'm sorry, I'm sure there's a more official name for that person) very nonchalantly told her that she was on the wrong train.  And then, not long after that, it happened.  I fell asleep!!!!  I woke up in a flash, nearly dropping my coffee everywhere, and realized I was only one stop away from my own!  So uh, yeah, it all worked out and I didn't end up in Alaska.  BUT JUST THINK OF WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED!?  (Oh, I would have been just fine?  Ok.)  

  I was so tired, because all three of my kids decided to wake up at different intervals last night.  And why wouldn't they do that?  I actually had something important to do this morning!  I was on the Today Show!  So of COURSE they wanted to give me as little sleep as possible!  (I love my kids I love my kids I love my kids I love my kids.)  Well, after a cold shower and a LOT of hot coffee, I woke up and had a great time cooking and grilling with Carson... it's Taco Tuesday!  We made a basic street taco with the tastiest steak ever, homemade corn tortillas that only require one ingredient, and a stripped down delicious margarita.  If you missed the segment or want to check out the recipes, you can find everything here at Today.com.

Photos by Samantha Okazaki.

Tuna Casserole + Fried Chicken

I had a blast this morning (as you can tell from photo above) cooking one of my favorite childhood dishes: Tuna Casserole (or Tuna Casserola as we called it as kids, don't know why).  I LOVE the traditional way my mom made it (with crushed potato chips on top, obviously) but I put a modern twist on this version.  Carson made his mom's Fried Chicken (which you can also read about here).  In case you missed it (or are interested in the recipes), you can check it out here.

Happy Mother's Day to all you mama's out here, I hope you have splendid weekends!  I wrote a little story about my mom here, if you'd like to read :)    

(Images by Samantha Okazaki, and Jumpsuit from J.Crew)

Siriously Simple Skillet

So, I'm a little upset that I couldn't catch a shrimp tail in my hat (Carson makes it look so easy!!), but otherwise I had a blast on the Today Show this morning cooking with Carson, Hoda, Natalie and Al.  We made a Shrimp and Noodle Stir Fry inspired by the 117 experiences my family has shared at Benihana, and if you'd like to watch the video or check out the recipe, click here.  I will be back later today with some Asian Chicken Burgers, that's right, I'm posting TWO TIMES TODAY!

Happy Friday Everyone, from my noodles and I...

Dress on sale right now at J.Crew, by the way.  BOOM.

Cookie Butter Stuffed Cookies

Carson works his butt off, and while we miss him - especially when he travels so much - a bonus for me is I have about a million people I can bake for!  It's hard when you have a gigantic sweet tooth and an obsession with trying new recipes, because if I baked as much as I'd LIKE to, I'd have cookies and bars and cakes and so forth up to my eyeballs.  I'd be standing on a street corner like a cute 12 year-old (only I'd be a desperate 34 year-old) begging people to take sweets off my hands.  Luckily for me, Carson gladly takes what I make to work with him.  Like these Cookie Butter Stuffed Cookies.  After coming across this article on BuzzFeed Food (that site is evil), I knew I had to make something with Biscoff - the cookie butter spread that tastes like "a sweet Nutella like peanut butter" according to my son.  Enter, these cookies.  Her recipe calls for white chocolate chips, but I used mini semi-sweet instead, because that's what I had on hand.  I also reduced the flour to 3 cups.  They were delicious, and I hope Carson's co-workers at Today like them too!

SPEAKING OF TODAY, I will be back there tomorrow morning cooking up a Siriously Super Simple Skillet Supper!!  Say that seven times slowly, and please tune in :)   

Today Parenting Team!

Are you familiar with the Today Show Parenting Team?  It's a community in which anyone can join and share their parenting advice, stories, photos and wisdom.  There are monthly topics and challenges that have spewed such wonderful articles, like this one (she's my hero).  It's really fun, and if you're a parent or grandparent or godparent or auntie or teacher or you have, like, a thousand cats... you should join.  We're in this together people!

I recently wrote an article about "letting go of stress" - because I am NEVER stressed.  Nope, not me, I'm perfect.  Click here to read, it's called: Teenagers Don't Wear Diapers!  If you enjoy the read, would you consider voting for me?  And sharing it with your friendly friends?  Thanks!!

Back later with a delicious Salmon + Garlicky Mashy Peas recipe...     

Meatloaf 3 Ways on TODAY

If you watched the Today Show this morning, well, then you probably know that my real name isn't Siri.  It's Bingo.  It's just, Bingously Delicious sounds weird, and makes no sense, and I really enjoy Starbuck's baristas making iPhone jokes when I say my name is Siri.  Ok, ok, you got me, I'm lying... my real name is Pam.  Lie!  I'm lying.  But, if you did watch, then you learned the origin of the nickname Carson and I call each other: Bingo.  And you probably witnessed me trying hard not to tell Christian Slater how many times I've seen Untamed Heart and Bed of Roses.  (Also, Heathers was the first rated-R movie I ever saw, true story.)    

If you missed it, you can check out the segment and find all the recipes by clicking here.  I have so much fun cooking with Carson (Bingo) on Today, so thanks for watching!

The Today Show...

I may not have slept at all last night, I may not have eaten breakfast due to nerves (while still consuming WAAAAY too much coffee), but I just had a very fun morning at the Today Show!  Carson and I tried to show you what real life cooking looks like, at least at our house - complete with crying (fake) babies, nosy (beautiful) neighbors and (hilarious) work calls.  Thank you for having me, Lovely Today People!  Check out the segment (and find the recipes) by clicking here.

p.s. I usually cook in grey pajamas, not heels, but ya gotta have a little fun on TV :)

TODAY tonight: Perfect Roast Chicken

I feel empty.  I have finished the Serial podcast, and now what.  NOW WHAT?!  Now I think I'll drive to Baltimore and stalk Woodlawn High School and the Best Buy and Leakin Park because I'm crazy obsessed with figuring this all out.  If you feel the same way, let's discuss in the comments below, ok?  Thanks.  Now we can talk about food...

Earlier in the month, in fact on the first day of the year, Carson made this on the Today Show with Chef Ed Brown.  The recipe intrigued us, because the chicken sits smothered in soy sauce in the fridge for two days prior to cooking.  It's basically a brine of sorts, and the result is a perfectly moist and juicy chicken.  I think from this point on, I will always do this to my chickens, no matter how I roast them!  Recipe here