‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات videos. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات videos. إظهار كافة الرسائل


Thanks for the nice comments on my SECOND (what?!) Today Show appearance.  It's such a fun, surreal experience to be a tiny part of a show I've watched since I was a kid.  For your informations, I wasn't trying to scold Mr. Roker for touching the bacon.  Would I ever scold anyone for touching bacon???  No, I was yelling at Carson who was touching the hot pan with his fingers, and they just happened to zoom in on Al at the same moment.  Oh, the silly magic of television.  

In case you missed the segment, you can view it here (and my first appearance here).

We are back from NY, we are back from DC, and I will try to cook something ASAP.  


I'm blogging from my cellular device, therefore please forgive my silly iPhone (talking to you Siri) for any random auto correction.  I wanted to quickly thank you for watching THE TODAY SHOW THIS MORNING!?  Did that actually just happen?  Here are some things I learned...

1. Hair/make-up stylists are magical people.  My baby woke up eleventy times last night, and you can barely see my raccoon eye rings.

2. Food stylists are also magical.  I want that job in my next life.

3. Did I welcome Al to his own talk show?

4. Everyone there is lovely - beyond nice and helpful and I didn't want to leave.

5. That's sort of a lie, I could use a nap.

6. I love you people. 

(7. Sweater from J Crew)

8. Wow...