The Perfect Chopped Salad

Moms and Dads!  Any tips or tricks for a baby who wants to get up at 5am?  Listen, I'm not complaining that she's sleeping soundly (usually) from 7pm-5am, but is it really necessary to wake up with the sun and the mother f'ing birds??  I feel like today has been eleventy hours long already, and yes that is my favorite made-up number.  

    Well, if I don't fall asleep mid-post or start spastically dancing from too much coffee, I will attempt to talk about my favorite chopped salad.  I am a BIG fan of salads with as many ingredients as possible.  Every bite is like a little party in your mouth.  I love a good restaurant chopped salad but it's just as easy to make your own version at home.  Throw anything and everything you have into it!  To me the most important thing is a variety of fresh flavors and textures.  Something crunchy, something smooth, something salty, something bright.  Another important part: chop everything roughly the same size.  No one wants to cut their salad with a knife, unless it's a wedge, because wedges win at life.  This particular salad has diced salami, crumbed cotija cheese, sliced cherry tomatoes (both red and golden), fresh corn cut off the cob, chopped up sweet red peppers, toasted pine nuts, finely chopped basil and diced avocado... all atop a bed of baby arugula.  I like to keep my dressing simple... a drizzle of balsamic glaze, a splash of olive oil and some freshly squeezed lemon.  Salt, pepper, done.  Goodnight.  Oh, the day isn't over?  Blarghdjskh