Bread flour, cake flour, all granulated sugar, all brown sugar, some powdered sugar, muscovado sugar, coconut sugar, browned butter, salted butter, shortening, chocolate discs, layered dough, chilled dough, pudding mix, cake mix, oatmeal... YOU NAME IT, I've tried it. I have tried one BILLION variations for chocolate chip cookies. And when I think there is nothing new left, something comes up. However subtle the change, I will try it. Do you know why? It's an excuse. It's an excuse to bake and to eat spoonfuls of cookie dough. "Oh, in the name of research I should probably find out what happens if I use some turbinado sugar as well as the brown and granulated sugar!" Which is what I just did with these cookies (recipe here). They were quite lovely, the turbinado sugar (aka "sugar in the raw") gave the cookies a subtle crunch.
So, anyone have another variation I just HAVE to try??